Is a complete lock-down the only option?

I am an Australian living Canberra, the nations Capital, with a population of approx. 420,000. We currently have only 2 deaths from COVID-19, and 51 deaths in all of Australia.

If I told people in February 2020 that they would get an $1000 fine to taking a holiday, they would have thought I was totally crazy. However, now just over a month later, as the Easter Holiday starts, people all over Australia are getting on-the-spot fines for getting in their car and heading to their favourite holiday destination. A person in Victoria was fined for going to the car wash with his dog at 2.00 am in the morning to wash his car, as it deemed to be NOT ESSENTIAL. Watch this

Below is a list of some of the restrictions that have been enforced in Australia which greatly impact the lives and sanity of many:

  • non-essentials business closed, people’s livelihood and pride destroyed. As a business person, I see no joy in sitting at home and being forced to become a welfare recipient;
  • no gatherings of more than 2 people, indoor or outdoor;
  • no travelling except to get essential supplies like food and medicine (oh, and if you need a new plant from Bunnings, that’s OK as well);
  • It just got crazier, and at one stage the rules would not allow hairdressing appointments to last longer than 30 minutes (obviously as the virus attacks on the 31st minute). That rule was quickly reversed, but the hairdresser and client need to maintain social distancing (each have 4 square meters. How can you get a haircut with the hairdresser standing 2 meters away?
  • all sports (Rugby; AFL and motorsports) have been cancelled;
  • pubs and entertainment venues are closed, cafes and restaurants are only allowed to provide take-away meals;
  • limits on the amount of people in shops, now people have to line up outside before they are allowed to enter;
  • ridiculous limits supermarket items, like the implementation of a two-item limit on most packaged items per customer. Only 2 cans of baked beans?
  • no visiting family and friends, that’s not essential, unless they are sick and dying;
  • travelling to and from work is allowed, just like in a communist country;
  • no fishing, but golf is OK (yea, go figure), and
  • most schools are providing remote learning, and school kids can no longer socialise with friends, and learn how to form new friendships.

Humans are social creatures and we need social connectivity as part of our life. I feel the same as many others, that these restrictions will cause many mental health issues in years to come, and maybe much sooner. In America they all have stocked up of their guns, so who knows what will happen over there when they start to get cabin fever.

We have been frequently reminded that these social distancing measures will be in place for at least 6 months, which is a retreat from the 18 months or years when the new draconian laws were first introduced.

Professor Knot Wittowski makes the statement “If you leave it alone, it comes for 2 weeks, it peaks, it goes for 2 weeks, and its gone…..” and “If there had been no intervention, the epidemic would have been over.”

Watch the full interview here, this guy makes sense:

The Coronavirus is no different to the annual flu, and the final statistics of cases and deaths will reflect this, if they have not been intentionally exaggerated. (more about this in upcoming post).

And this very important message:

People need to ask questions of the politicians

“If people don’t stand up for their rights, their rights will be forgotten.”

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