YouTube Videos are being deleted

You will notice that some of the videos in this blog HAVE BEEN DELETED BY YOUTUBE.


Yes, the internet is now being censored by FaceBook and YouTube, posts are being removed, and videos are being deleted as they do not “meet with the community guidelines”. Free speech is a thing of the past now, and this is what happens when most of the population is ASLEEP.

the coronavirus is just a Plague of Corruption

The messages are becoming clear from many different sources who are trying to expose this fraud: this scam is just to Vaccinate everyone, depopulate the world, and dumb down those who don’t die. In America, there are 54 vaccines for kids before they go to pre-school. Doesn’t this raise serious concerns in your mind? If it doesn’t then maybe you need to wonder about the effect of vaccines on your brain.

The US COVID-19 Deaths are wildly exaggerated.

This video fromDr. Brix explain how the US is attributing deaths to the COVID-19 cause. It means that people dying with COVID-19 will be put down as dying OF COVID-19. The same thing is happening in Italy, and that is the main reason why people are scared and insisting of lockdowns. Wake Up!!

At the time of this post, this video only had some 5,000 views, a funny prank compilation video will get 38 Million views, which proves that people would rather sleep rather than question.